eBus Financial Education Mobile

eBus Financial Education Mobile

Join us at Genesis Plaza to board the Fifth Third Bank Mobile Empowerment Bus (the eBus)! A large, retrofitted bus with customer service and learning stations inside! Other community partners and vendors will be set up.
Services offered
• Experian Credit Portal, Credit Karma, and/or Annual Credit Report are also available
-Printing available
– Review with 5/3 Bankers
• Empower U Presentations
-PowerPoint presentations delivered by a 5/3 banker
-Core presentations include:
-Budgeting & Saving Money
-Boost Your Credit Score
-Strategies to Slash Your Debt
-Protecting Your Identity
-Preparing for Home Ownership
• NextJob
-Workforce Development Solution
-Clients receive an online job coach and instruction on resume building and interview tips

Event Registration

Location on Map





Registration Site

Organizer Phone